Your dream home within reach. Let us create the space that tells your story. Design Your Home, life follows...

Virtual Interior Design Packages

  • Choose a package

    Pick the design

    service that

    suits your needs.

  • Send us your room details

    Send us an email at You will receive a very short questionnaire to complete and send back with your room pictures, dimensions,and a few inspiration images.

  • Where the magic happens

    We will create a beautiful and practical

    space that reflects

    your style and needs.

  • Receive your final design

    Depending on the package

    you purchased, you will receive

    your design.

    Enjoy your new space!

Why Choose Us?

Interior design is more than just a well staged room: it is creating a space that tells your story and reflects who you are, and  more importantly affects your mood and wellbeing in the best possible way. This is the place your day starts and ends, where you spend your most private and true moments. Let us design the space that serves your best self!

The popularity of Virtual interior design is on the rise; not only can you do it at your own pace, but beautifully and on a budget too!

I have always searched for peace of mind amidst the chaos, and I found it at home! Wherever that might be for you, let me help you find it too.


Let me introduce myself

She wanted sky. She drew wings!

Hey! I'm Sara Ghalayini - A free spirit, mother and artist with A Thing For Styling. I help you create beautiful and practical spaces on a budget. 
I believe that our homes should reflect who we are, where we've been, where we are in our life now and who we want to become.

My designs tell stories of freedom and beauty, because those who want sky, draw their own wings.

  • I'd love to connect with you on Instagram @athingforstyling

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How to use this service